Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sperm Donor for Asian Lady Questions and Answers

After I posted my story: How I become NI sperm donor for a Japanese Asian lady, I began receiving emails containing questions related to sperm donation. I compile them in the following  Q&A list:

Q: Why did you decide to donate sperm through NI (Natural Insemination)?
A: The terminology of donating sperm by NI was something that I had never thought before. At first I was not sure whether I should do the NI because I think Hideo was drunk that night. I asked him to find a good doctor or buy traditional medicine to improve his wife health quality. He told me that they had done all things that were expected to help Aimi get pregnant. NI was the one which they had not tried. When Aimi confirmed that she agreed with her husband to choose me as their sperm donor, I decided to say: Yes.

Q: How did you do the NI?
A: I was nervous on the first session, things looked like a formal procedure, no foreplay. I have to stimulate myself until my genital organ became hard. When I was about to cum I put my P into her V and load my cement inside her. I felt some pain entering unlubricated V. I had a mixed feeling during the whole process. On one side I felt guilty of having sex with someone's wife. On the other side, I felt that what I was doing was to help them in having a baby naturally.
The second and the third session were better. I could perform well by donating more sperm to Aimi. She helped me with the stimulation so she could also naturally lubricate her V?

Q: How did you meet this Japanese lady?
A: I was in a plane that was bringing me from Jakarta city to Sorong city which is the main gate to Raja Ampat (one of the most beautiful tourists destinations in the world). Because I knew the islands very well, she and her husband asked me to be their tour guide. We visited a lot of beautiful islands of Raja Ampat, swam and enjoyed snorkeling. At the and of the tour, the husband asked me to donate my sperm to his wife. The next morning, the lady confirmed that she had agreed with the idea of Natural Insemination sperm donor. I and the Japanese lady booked a room in a hotel in Sorong where I carried out the Natural Insemination (NI) Sperm Donation.
Q: Did you do the Natural Insemination in Japan?
No, I didn't do it in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka or Nagoya Japan. I did it in Indonesia when they took a 1-week vacation in Raja Ampat. It was one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world.

Q: Did you meet Hideo after doing the Natural Insemination?
A: No, I did not. It was to respect them. But I send a message through her wife hoping that they continue to live happily forever whatever the outcome.

Q: What was your reaction after receiving news that the couple has got one son now?
A: I am happy too. I agreed to respect their privacy as a family.

Q: Do you want the child to know his real biological father?
A: I discussed this thing with them. They want the child only know them as his parents. I agree with them and I will never try to contact the child. Because I am an Indonesian, my skin is very similar to other east Asian people such as Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, and the Japanese.

Q: How many women have received NI sperm donation from you?
A: Only the Japanese lady. And she is raising a boy now.

Q: If there is one lady who needs sperm donation from you, will you say, yes?
A: She could travel to Sorong city and enjoy a vacation or holiday in Raja Ampat. I could carry out the Natural Insemination to her in a hotel room before or after the tour.

Q: Could you describe about yourself?
A: I am an Indonesian man whose skin is bright like those of Chinese, Korean and Japanese people. I am 170 cm tall and I like sports and other outdoor activities such as swimming, snorkeling, jogging, mountain biking. I have got university degree. I also love nature.

Q: How much did you ask for doing the NI sperm donation?
A: I only helped. So, I did not ask money at all. It is free.

Q: How about if there is another lady who wants to ask you to become her NI sperm donor? How could she contact you?
A: If I could help, I will do my best. She could take a vacation to Indonesia and I could do the sperm donation discreetly. She needs to contact me before coming here. Here is my email:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How I become an NI sperm donor for a Japanese Asian lady

In this post, you will read my personal story about how I gave NI sperm donation to an Asian lady after receiving a request from her husband. One day, I was traveling by airplane from Jakarta to Sorong city. I got an aisle seat. Sitting next to me were a married couple from Japan who were going to spend their holiday in Raja Ampat. They occupied the window and the middle seats. From our conversations they told me that they were going to spend 2 weeks holiday in Raja Ampat. It was one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world for marine tourism. I said to them that I often go to Raja Ampat islands. During the flight we were talking a lot of things about the islands, good accommodation, price of boats and food. Their English was good. So, I could communicate with them without difficulties. Since I worked in the region, I could give detailed info about the islands. They told me that they had been to some Asian countries but this was their first experience of traveling in Indonesia. They said they were not in a hurry so that they had not book any room or tour yet. They would arrange it after arriving in Sorong city using information available on the internet.
To respect and conceal the identity of this married couple, I will mention them with fictitious names in this article, Hideo and Aimi. Hideo worked in a bank as an accountant whereas Aimi worked as an architect. When we were about to land in Sorong city, we exchanged email addresses. I gave my cell phone number to them and asked them to contact me by whatsapp.
We said good bye to one another at the airport and took different taxis. They stayed in Swissbelhotel. I thought I would not see them anymore but that evening Hideo sent a message inviting me for dinner. Because he did not know a good restaurant in town that offers delicious food, they asked me to recommend one them. I met them at the lobby of the hotel and suggested a place called tembok where a lot of people come to eat seafood. While we were having grilled fish, Hideo and Aimi asked me whether I could guide them to Raja Ampat. I answered them, yes, I could accompany them. I wrote an itinerary which I thought was interesting and affordable. They agreed with it. It was now time for me to call boat owners and guesthouse owners to book their services.
The next morning, we were on a fast ferry that was taking us to the islands. When we arrived, a boat from a homestay which I booked the night before was waiting for us at Waisai harbor. We stayed in a homestay in Kri island and traveled by boat to some islands and coral reef sites in Mansuar, Waigeo, Friwen, and Fam islands. They were so happy with the experience. Hideo even called me, brother. I did my best to provide a tour that would give them a positive impression in their mind and heart about these beautiful islands.
On the final night of our Raja Ampat tour, after having dinner, Hideo invited me to their bungalow where we would drink some Japanese liquor. He brought it in a ceramic bottle. He said that it was a little celebration for the accomplished tour. We also drank several cans of Bintang beers which we bought from Sorong city. The other guests were still gathering in the dinner table and some in hammock platforms built above sea water. Some others have returned to their rooms.
We talked about photographs which Aimi made while snorkeling. There were turtle, anemonefish, and big table corals in the pictures. As we talk more about our adventure at sea, we drank more beers. I don't know the name of the Japanese liquor Hideo gave me because I could not read Kanji letters. It was quite strong. So, I only had very little of it as an expression of my respect. They looked happy. It was late when Aimi returned to bed. I and Hideo were still sitting at the porch with empty cans of beer on the table and clear starry night sky above us.
Hideo lowered his voice when he was talking about his personal life. I also share my life story to him. Hideo told me that he and Aimi had been married for six years and still could not have children. They had been to doctors and clinics but still Aimi could not get pregnant. He explained such terminologies as AI (Artificial Insemination), In Vitro Fetilization (IVF) and Gestational Surrogacy from Intended Parent (GS/IP). He also talked about NI (Natural Insemination). I did not really pay attention to his sophisticated explanation about all of them. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him as if he wanted to whisper something. He said something in my ear which I did not want to believe. He asked me to be an NI donor to his wife Aimi. In other words he was suggesting an idea of me sleeping with her wife to get her pregnant. I thought he was drunk. So, I did not think he was serious about it. But he told me that he already discussed this idea with Aimi. And she agreed. I politely explained to him that I respect them and therefore would not abuse their trust.
I returned to my room that night and could not sleep well. I was asking myself a lot of things related to whether I should donate my sperm or not. That morning, we were busy again to pack our things and loaded them to the boat. Aimi came to me and said sorry if they had offended me. But they were asking me if I could help them as NI sperm donor. I said that I could understand their situation and would discuss about it with them when we had returned to Sorong city. That evening, I was talking with them in their hotel room. After long discussion, I agreed to help for free. They still had two more days in the city before flying to Denpasar city and back to Japan. Hideo would stay at the hotel whereas I and Aimi would find another hotel to do the Natural Insemination. I was quite nervous. We booked a room in a hotel several kilometers away. We had the NI twice that day. On the last day, I and Aimi met again in another hotel for another NI session. Three hours before their flight schedule, I transferred her to airport. After saying goodbye to each other and a big hug, she entered the passenger terminal alone. Her husband was already in the airport.
Six months after leaving Sorong, I received an email from them that Aimi was pregnant. Later I got a message that they now have a little boy. Because I am an Asian man with white skin, the skin of the boy is the same as their parents. I hope that this couple is able to raise the child happily. Written by an Asian NI donor.

After I posted my story above,I receive emails containing questions related to sperm donation. I compile them in the following  Q&A list:

Q: How about if there is another lady who wants to ask you to become her NI sperm donor? How could she contact you?
A: If I could help, I will do my best. She could take a vacation to Indonesia and I could do the sperm donation discreetly. Here is my email:

Q: Why did you decide to donate sperm through NI (Natural Insemination)?
A: The terminology of donating sperm by NI was something that I had never thought before. At first I was not sure whether I should do the NI because I think Hideo was drunk that night. I asked him to find a good doctor or buy traditional medicine to improve his wife health quality. He told me that they had done all things that were expected to help Aimi get pregnant. NI was the one which they had not tried. When Aimi confirmed that she agreed with her husband to choose me as their sperm donor, I decided to say: Yes.

Q: How did you do the NI?
A: I was nervous on the first session, things looked like a formal procedure, no foreplay. I have to stimulate myself until my genital organ became hard. When I was about to cum I put my P into her V and load my cement inside her. I felt some pain entering unlubricated V. I had a mixed feeling during the whole process. On one side I felt guilty of having sex with someone's wife. On the other side, I felt that what I was doing was to help them in having a baby naturally.
The second and the third session were better. I could perform well by donating more sperm to Aimi. She helped me with the stimulation so she could also naturally lubricate her V?

Q: Did you do the Natural Insemination in Japan?
No, I didn't do it in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka or Nagoya Japan. I did it in Indonesia when they took a 1-week vacation in Raja Ampat. It was one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world.

Q: Did you meet Hideo after doing the Natural Insemination?
A: No, I did not. It was to respect them. But I send a message through her wife hoping that they continue to live happily forever whatever the outcome.

Q: What was your reaction after receiving news that the couple has got one son now?
A: I am happy too. I agreed to respect their privacy as a family.

Q: Do you want the child to know his real biological father?
A: I discussed this thing with them. They want the child only know them as his parents. I agree with them and I will never try to contact the child. Because I am an Indonesian, my skin is very similar to other east Asian people such as Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai and the Japanese.

Q: How many women have received NI sperm donation from you?
A: Only one. And she is raising a boy now.

Q: Could you describe about yourself?
A: I am an Indonesian man with bright east Asian skin. I am 170 cm tall and I like sports and other outdoor activities such as swimming, snorkeling, jogging, mountain biking. I have got university degree. I also love nature.

Q: How much did you ask for doing the NI sperm donation?
A: I only helped. So, I did not ask money at all. It is free.